Monday, May 21, 2007

Haiz sorry for those reader who read my blog.Something wrong with my computer java script so cannot blog.2 week ago jus break with angeline.Reason for breaking is because the feeling is not right.The feeling she have forme is like not love.Althought i have some feeling for her as she is very good to me .Give me alot of concern.But i feel that i neglect her.I know that she is sick yet i still call her to go out on labour day for shopping.I should have let her stay at home and rest.But anyway,everything have ended and the most important thing now is thati can get over it and get back to my original live again.And next saturday i am going out with some of my working friend .And the most important thing now is to finish up all my assignment and get ready for my common test.Haiz,few day after the breaki dun feel very very sad,but i jus duno y tear jus dun come out of my eyes.i wanted to cry but cannot.haiz hopefully life will befor me .And i hope that like could be more colorful now rather then jus lesson everyday and go home straight .


- ginny said...

hmmm . dont think so much yeah . you got alot of friends around you . your life will definitely be colourful ah . i alr coloured yr life la ! wahahha. jk . anyway take care . (:


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