Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Boring holiday

Haiz.It not the right time to have a holiday now.I feel so bored at home.Sigh!.I got nothing to do other then rotting at home .
But It not so bad for the first week as i still get to go out with my friend to watch 2 movie " Man in white " and " Fantastic 4- Rise of the sliver surfer"
Gosh Sliver surfer was so powerful and cool.But after that most of my friend gone into National service last thursday.And ever since that day .I
will be wonder. Where shall i go or do today.But the thing is when i think of going out.Nobody accompany me. When i feel like doing something,
I got nothing to do. Then the result of it is i became a no life hardcore Gamer and other then playing game.I search the website for OST of Prince
of tennis anime and also some new anime epi. And hopefully,I will get to think of a place to go tomorrow.I feel so bored at home.Haiz.
My computer become my other part already. It has become part of my body .As if i cant leave without having my computer and a network at home.
How i hope i will have someone to accompany everyday and talk to me everyday. Sighzzz.

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