Monday, June 11, 2007

Rotten days

Haiz it holiday now.
Yet i am not happy about it.
I got nothing to do at home and i feel so bored at home.
i did nothing on friday.
Except for watching some series epi which my friend say it is nice.
Then on saturday morning.
Seika reply my msg that she is at the airport.
And the time was 3 am in morning.
then after msging with her till don't know what time.
I went back to sleep.And still i got nothing to do I get bored after playing games for 1 hour and i left it there to play on it own till noon.
Then i went back to sleep.
And i finally notice something.

If i dun go to sch everyday i will have nothing to do at home.
I get bored of watching after 2 hours .
Play game not more then 1 hours and the worse thing is nobody is there for me to target to disturb.
And for the whole day i survive on only 1 bowl of soup and water..
And today is Sunday.

Yet i still cant think of thing to do to spend my day meaningfully and faster.
Gosh Finally it night time where i am about to go to sleep.
Nvm i am bored of writing also till next time.


1 comment:

- ginny said...

HELLO! why never update your blog alr?? faster update leh.
