Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Bad days

Haiz, should have spend the 4 days of holiday resting.
But my boss called me to work on saturday.
But it was a nice experience lah.
First time working family day and give out food to the people there.
Then the kids there go on stage to play game.
They were very funny.
The best part is when the father of the kid was called to shake their butt and the kids cheer for them.
The winner who shake the most wins.
Then after that we went back to the storeroom where everybody gather.
Then after we unload the staff from the lorry we put our things.
The staff there start to have war.
They spray water on each other.
And one of the gal there was being bullied.
She got her whole body wet even her " " (u know that"und....").
Then after that she was attack with soup, her hair was all fill with bubble.
Then later one.
The ice creams comes.
Her clothes was all soaked with ice-cream.
haiz have great fun seeing them play around with each other as the manager will be on leave for one week.
And guess what on last friday, i got nothing to do that i went shopping alone.
I bought a pants $40.
Then after that saw a AND1 jacket $60(ORIGINAL PRICE $75).
Then after that went to walk around orchard road .
Then i saw my dream car outside a hotel.
A yellow Ferrari 2 sitter.
Then after that i went to HMV I saw so many CD there.
I can't help myself that i went on the search to find my favourite band album .
And gosh.
I found it.
Found 2 of them
one of them is 47 the other is 53.
then after that bought another 2 CD.
The beatles white ablum and Dir en Grey Marrow of the bone.
and the grand total was $163.
This is the first time i spend so much money to buy CD.
And after that i went to PS.
I saw many Pig merchandise such as pouch, handphone pouch, dolls key chain and the whole shop was selling alot of the pig merchandise....
Then after that spend the whole day resting at home.
And on sunday i spend the whole day watchin anime, because my house network face with a problem.
dun get to sign in msn to find people to chat with me and talk craps
Chances are i will be missing in action for the next few days unless my network goes back to normal.
And thnx shelly for helping me to post entry.
Because something i wrong with some of my computer javascript.
Hopefully i wil be back online soon


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