Friday, June 01, 2007

I am Alright

Haiz it have been a long week.

Getting ready and and preparing for the Database test.
Gosh.And the test is finally over . I screw up some question because i dun understand the question but nvm what over have been over i shall not think about it too much because it cant be change now. Its all over history cannot be change.

Thnx alot ginny. Thank you alot for your concern.I am alright no worries.
Thing are not as bad as it look like. And i notice that i got a habit which i like to play with my hair before test or exam. Maybe is my way to destress.
And what do u know. Princess Ginny and princess Shelly is now more than hi bye friend. They have lunch togather, Gather togather b4 the test. What do u know they may become good friend.HAHA.Maybe it because the entry i write or maybe it jus coincidence that i write the entry and they start to become more closer friends.

And gosh,I lost touch of chinese already.Went to a chinese website.Lots of word dunno how to read.Haiz poor me. ANd next week there is a OOAD test.Gosh.what the hell .one test a week. Y not make it get it over and done within a week and let us have a early holiday.

Sigh ,working tml 8am gosh.So Early.Dunno what i am gonna to do tml .And without knowing i have been working at the zoo for 3 month already. And for the pass one month i have not been working.Haiz But anyway.Get to earn money is good. Like to spend money too.I shall go shopping today alone. Dun wan to waste my time staying at home and do nothing.

I shall go do some shoppng and get some present for friend up coming birthday present.
And after next week Princess seika will be going to taiwan then back to japan. hope she enjoy herself and buy the thing i called her to buy and also chewing gum haha.

That all folk.Dun worry.I am fine and recovering.

No more
"The end of a relationship is the start of a new relationship"
quote from a old tv show.(I dunno the name)
No worries
No memories
No regrets

1 comment:

- ginny said...

haha. welcome. glad tht you are okay now. eh i also screwed up tht frickin database test. *frownnnsss