Saturday, June 30, 2007


Gosh .First lesson of japanese language class was so bad.The teacher is from china. Her english is like not so good and yet she keep saying japanese. Dammit. But still made it to learn some of them..... BUt with the help of seika .I think will not be so bad. Practice makes perfect. So hopefully i get to speak japanese more often after i learn more. LIke daily used language.

And dammit, I was called to visit my grandfather at a medical centre at braddel. And on the way there i took the same bus as seika. And when i reach bishan i took bus 13 for about 15 mins to reach the medical centre. And it look so small.5 Storey high and only got about 15 bed each lvl.

And for today.I went out with my friends to watch Transformers the movie.The fighting part is nice but the story part is quite boring. But anyway worth it .Then after that ,went to eat KFC.And one of the gal whom my friend is interested in say "U study at which ITE?" i was like hello! i am from a poly .Not from ITE. And she was like amazed that i am not a ITE student. Althought with this botak hairstyle i may look like a ITE but i think i look like one. Dammit. But anyway. Still alright. Day is not wasted rotting at home.

1 comment:

kaja said...

eh ... ya last paragraph put and she was amazed you are from ITE .

ya english totally wrong larhz ...