Tuesday, July 10, 2007


Gosh! Didnt make it to go to sch today. I was sick,Diarrea, for the last 2 days. Should be because drinking too many type of alcohol at one go like shandy, whisky and vodka. It was quite ok after that.But the next day when i wake up i start to have diarrea.And i even drink milk somemore.Which make matters worse.But i manage to go to orchard to shop for seika's birthday present which her birthday is today .But i manage to pass her the present yesterday. So i think it ok and i was too tired yesterday after going to sch and see doctor after that.

As for today i am feeling much better now. And i have skip all the E-Bf lesson for this week. Dammit.Nothing much to write today.So i shall end here.

Happy birthday seika san.(10/7/2007)

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