Sunday, May 27, 2007

The three PRINCESS..=]

Today i will talk about the three princess .

They are Ginny,shelly and seika.
They are the three princess.
Y are they call princess.I also dunno y haha.
BUt maybe because they make my life more colourful thats why i call themprincess haha.
Now is some intro to those princess.

First,ginny, She is a nice person with a nice character from what i have observe.she got hearing problem.But nvm i can communicate with her thought msn .But what amazed me is that she can read other people lips and know what the person is talking about.I found it amazing and i wanna learn it.And she got lots of nice friend and sometime when i bored i can look for her to chat and kill time if lesson is too bored.i know her from my S&w class.

Second is shelly,First time i see her she is like a ah lian.but after chatting with her and get to know hershe is a nice person.She is blur at sometimes.But she blur until very cute. haha .And she influence me to start to like eating chocolate because everytime she say chocolate nice i will like give it a try.Then sometime owe her chocolateso need to like go do market research and find nice chocolate to treat her.She also help me kill time.She appear sometimeswhen i need her .And she helped me alot in my studies because without her asking me about the homework .I would notknow what assignment we have and sometime when she ask it remind me that i forget to do some sch she play a big partin my sch life and work.She is worth making friend with.She is a very very nice gal jus that the guy who will apperiateher have not appear,Haiz.

Lastly seika,I always disturb her in class haha.And i am name the sweet supplier .gosh.And she is quite nice and she is look very cute whenever she get angry after i tease her.And i have fun chatting with her,And she is a nice person but she dun like to talk alot.And when i just know her she like isolate herself from the rest of her class.She totally dun talk at all.

And this are some thing about the three princess.hehe.
Till next time
NO regrets
NO life.


- ginny said...

BOO ! HA HA . (:

kaja said...

i forget u have a blog. suddenly see the history then i saw u have one. hahaz .. i see my name there !! hahaz .. thanks for complimenting me . Wohoo i'm a princess . <@_@>
btw, u shld know who i am right ? hee!
you OBASAN !!!!!!!

kaja said...

eh wait .. how can u say i isolate .
i where got isolate ???
i talk a lot of crap ok !!!!
i'll talk more for you to SEE !!!
ARGH. bleah